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Rock climbing and kayaking in South Thailand. Rock-climb the limestone cliffs of Krabi, snorkel to hidden islands and kayak through Khao Sok National Park. Kayak - Kanufahren in Thailand : Schauen Sie sich Bewertungen und Fotos von kayak - kanufahren in Thailand , Asien auf TripAdvisor an. Explore the serene side of Phuket, cycling through rubber plantations and pineapple fields and then kayak and paddle through lush mangroves.

Find reviews and tips from people like you on Kayak Tours Bangkok Bangkok, Thailand. This Kayak tour takes you on a small canal through the jungle onl. Discover a hidden crystal lagoon in Krabi, Thailand ! Go kayaking along crystal clear canal and witness underwater sceneries beneath translucent waters!

Biking, Hiking, Kayaking and Elephant Visit) This Thailand adventure tour is a winner for outdoor enthusiasts looking to get physical in a destination bursting . We stayed another day because we thought Tonsai was so fun. Our last day we rented a kayak and paddled around the bay, visiting a few of .

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